As the game begins at the beginning of the game buy mut 24 coins, one player is named as captain. He is accountable for everything from directing plays, to throwing the ball as quarterback and running the ball and the list goes on. Other members of that team will be designated assistants and are responsible to make blocks for the captain.

In a kickoff, for instance the captain is expected to receive and play the ball and his teammates will be blocking the ball by using their icons to block opposing players, and pressing the button. If a block succeeds the player will go down the same way as a pile of potatoes and give the captain the space he requires to get more yards. On offense the captain will decide the play and play the game as planned and the other players are responsible for blocking. On defense the captain will be in charge of one player of the team, while other players will again take on blockers and give the captain the opportunity to take a direct chance to strike the ball. You may choose to restrict the amount of blocks available for "helper" players, or take it all the way and become an unstoppable force of nature.

The second major mode is named Road to the Super Bowl and is the Wii version's version of Season mode. Similar to other modes of Madden 24 it is possible to select to play as 11 against. 11 , or even 5 against. 5 and you'll have the choice of the length of a season you'd like (full or half playoffs). If you're playing in a cooperative mode with a buddy you'll earn points by taking part in successful plays in the field, for example, getting the QB sacked or scoring an important touchdown. The game mode comes with an option of "benching" choice that can result in a player being removed from the field if he is a mess in the field too numerous times. The other players have to perform their best and score enough points to allow the player benched back onto the field.

It is known that the Madden series has gone through several different versions on the Wii from the sim-like experience of Madden NFL 24 up to the cartoon-like appeal that is Madden NFL 24. If this one is the version to catch the casual Madden players' interests is yet to be determined. We'll be reviewing the game in our next evaluation of this game following its launch in August Madden 24 coins.